Your donation to Restoring Gardens makes it possible to educate and empower our community to grow food in an urban setting.
Because of community support, we are improving access to local vegetables, fruits & herbs in a sustainable way.
Click to donate or scroll for more ways to help!
Would you like to donate an item we need?
Check out our Wish List!
Another way to help
Donate Your Garden Supplies & Resources
We will update the list of current requests below
as our projects continue to develop!
Current Priority Requests
- Cold Frames
- Frost Fabric
- Twine
- Brown materials for composting: Save your brown paper towels used for hand drying (clean and bagged), cardboard tubes from paper towel rolls (clean & bagged).
- Seeds: Snap Peas, spinach, lettuce, arugula, beets, radishes.
- Cover crop seeds
- Large enclosed compost bin
- Vego garden beds
- Elevated garden beds and raised beds
Ongoing requests
- Donations to cover ongoing projects and to help establish a greater outreach
- Fencing, and protection from animals and the elements (bird netting, deer fencing, wire plant cages)
- Green or Blue snow fencing (frequently utilized in community garden spaces)
- Do you know how to sew? Can you sew some grow bags for us? Empress of Dirt has a great tutorial for grow bags if you click HERE.
- Chicken wire of all heights
- Organic potting mix
- Soil amendments for organic gardening
- Compost spinners and bins
- Bird netting
- Empty, clean yogurt containers quart size or larger
- T-posts 6 ft or taller
- Cover crop seeds
- Worm castings (prebagged)
- Perennial plants
- Vegetable plants
- Garden planters and containers
- Mulch and woodchips
- Fencing and connectors
- Hand shovels, trowels, and other tools
Thank you for the ways in which you continue to support Restoring Gardens.