About Us
What makes Restoring Gardens unique?
Let’s talk about what we’re doing as a community.
We focus on restoring our garden spaces rather than continuously depleting our resources or excessively breaking up the living systems in our environment that work together.
Methods include utilization of compost and vermicomposting, learning about insects, bacteria, and fungi, planting and mulching appropriately to conserve water, planting several varieties of heirloom plants, recycling or reusing many of our supplies, and intertwining native perennials specific for pollinators.
We are learning about the powerful processes of the decomposing, regenerating, and restoring processes of the environment.
We take great joy in sparking the “WOAH! What is that?!” moments for children and adults alike when they come across an unusual plant or a new flavor.
We creatively come up with solutions for people who want to grow food without owning a large plot of land. Methods may include the use of raised garden beds, hügelkultur, container gardening, grow bags, vertical gardening, and other avenues to increase access to affordable, nutritious, local food.
We learn together and help each other work through challenges within the natural ecosystem including pests, animals, or unforeseen circumstances along the gardening journey.
Have you read Our Story yet?
Restoring Gardens is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. See our Donate page for our current organization needs.